July 5, 2013

How to make div horizontally and vertically center align?

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How to center a div in a page horizontally and vertically

So many people have been asked me about the same query even yesterday a new web designer in my company having six months of experience, asked me that how to align a div center on a page without using any JavaScript and any other script. There are two ways through CSS to make a div horizontally and vertically centers align on a page.

Demo 1

How to make a div center align (vertically & horizontally)

In demo 1, we just fixed the height and width of a div and add position, left, top and margin. We gave margin in negative because to make it in proper center aligned.

Demo 2

Horizontally and Vertically Center a DIV with CSS

In demo 2, we just fixed the height and width of a div and add position, top, right, bottom, left and margin. This time we used all four direction is equal to zero and gave margin “auto” to make it center align.

May 10, 2013

What is HTML?

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HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is not a programming language, but rather a markup language or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page.

HTML is not case sensitive and can be easily updated after the file is created. HTML is not difficult to learn and there are a lot of resources and information available. You can take classes to learn HTML or just read through a simple tutorial.

Some of the most popular HTML editors, such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver will let you create pages more or less as you write documents in Word or whatever text editor you're using.

What is difference between Class and ID in CSS

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Difference between Class and id Selectors?

ID can be use only one time on each element, Each page can have only one element with that ID. Classes can be use on multiple elements, You can use multiple classes on the same element.

The # means that it matches the id of an element. The . signifies the class name, for example:

#myRedText {color: red;}
.blueText {color: blue;}

September 23, 2009

Why I have need to learn HTML?

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If you have a website or planning for creating in the future. So you should
learn at least some basic html (HyperText Mark-up Language). Even if someone else is developing your website there are some basics things you should know. If the person who are developing your website is not available and your need to modify your website, in this situation what will your do?

I always believe that if you have a business, website or whatever you are doing, you should have some knowledge about how it works.

With the knowledge of HTML you will be able to designing a web page exactly as you want it, and formatting the text as needed.
If you are planning to make money from internet marketing and you make an offer on your email, you will have to provide a clickable link. In either case, you will have to know about some html tag to make a hyperlink.

What is the difference between the HTM and HTML extensions?

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HTM is just a shorter way of writing HTML, but both are the same type of extention file name. But html is best that you use because it is just a lazy way of writing the extension. And it can be that much more work to add an L at the end can it?

At the saving time of html file, we can use either the .html or the .htm extension. If we are using .htm extention in our html page, it might be a bad habit inherited from the past when some of the commonly used software only allowed three letter extensions.

It will be better to use .HTML extension for the newer software.